Privacy Policy

At LS Art Consulting, we strive to earn and maintain your trust. This Privacy Policy governs how we collect, use, and disclose your Personal Information in connection with our Sites and Services, including

Our Privacy Policy outlines:

What information we collect about you
How we use and disclose that information
Your rights regarding your Personal Information
Safeguards we employ to protect your data
Please review this policy carefully before using our Sites or Services. By accessing or using them, you agree to the terms outlined here.

Key Points:

Changes to Privacy Policy: We may update this Privacy Policy, and we advise you to check it regularly for any changes.

Commitment to Clients: While this policy doesn’t cover Personal Information we handle for clients, we’re committed to safeguarding their data as outlined in our ethical obligations.

Information We Collect: This includes Personal Information like contact details, financial information, and professional details, as well as Usage Data and Business Information.

How We Collect Information: We may gather data voluntarily provided by you, information about others with your legal permission, from third-party sources, and through tools like cookies and tracking pixels.

How We Use and Share Information: We use Personal Information for internal purposes, such as providing services, marketing, and analytics. We may share it with Service Providers but don’t sell it to third parties for marketing.

Privacy and Security Provisions: We employ security measures to protect your data, but no method is 100% secure. We’re not responsible for the privacy practices of third-party websites.

Compliance with Laws: We may disclose Personal Information to comply with legal requests or protect our rights and those of others.

Other Transfers: In certain circumstances, we may share or transfer Personal Information if our firm undergoes changes like a merger or acquisition.

Contact Us: If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or our services, please reach out to us.

Thank you for trusting us with your information.

FrameWorks Introducing their Premier Division, LS Art Consulting.

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